Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Dream Dies

By the end of 2008, I was pretty sure that I wanted to try to buy the old church in HSB. We had been watching the price of that building fall steadily during the recession that we are in, and we felt that we were in a good position to make an offer.

Before making an offer, I felt it would be smart to apply for a loan, and work through all the hurdles and challenges that would be thrown at me. I began the loan application process with Zions Bank in January or February of 2009. I had to turn in all kinds of projections, business plans, profit & loss statements, etc.

In April, my family was up in the hills north of HSB for a drive. Coincidently, we saw my realtor and his family enjoying some family time together with their horses. We chit chatted a little, and then he informed me that someone else had made an offer on the church, and that the church had accepted his offer. I felt sick to my stomach. It literally felt as if someone had sucker punched me in the gut. I couldn't think about anything else (and was depressed) for about 2 months. My dreams had been dashed!

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